Items where Faculty is "Interdepartmental and Cross-Faculty Research Groups and Centres (until 2017) > Centre for Higher Education Research and Practice (CHERP)"
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Alden Rivers, Bethany, Richardson, John T. E. and Price, Linda (2014) Promoting reflection in asynchronous virtual learning spaces: tertiary distance tutors' conceptions. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 15(3), pp. 215-231. ISSN (online) 1492-3831
Cabral, Ana Paula and Huet, Isabel (2014) Assessment of research quality in higher education: contribution for an institutional framework. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 116, pp. 1528-1532. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Cabral, Ana Paula and Huet, Isabel (2014) Avaliação da qualidade da investigação em Educação: conceptualização de um projeto de investigação [Research quality in education: academics' perspective]. Indagatio Didactica, 6(4), pp. 151-163. ISSN (online) 1647-3582
Constanca, Mendonca, Huet, Isabel and Alves, Mariana Gaio (2014) Da construção à validação de um referencial de competências para uma Licenciatura em Enfermagem [Design and validation of a framework of competencies for a degree in nursing]. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, 48(2), pp. 109-132. ISSN (online) 1647-8614
Di Napoli, Roberto and Clement, Mieke (2014) Editorial: The agency game in academic development: compliance and resistance. International Journal for Academic Development, 19(1), pp. 1-3. ISSN (print) 1360-144X
Di Napoli, Roberto (2014) Value gaming and political ontology: between resistance and compliance in academic development. International Journal for Academic Development, 19(1), pp. 4-11. ISSN (print) 1360-144X
Direito, Inês, Pereira, Anabela and Duarte, A. Manuel de Oliveira (2014) The development of skills in the ICT sector: analysis of engineering students’ perceptions about transversal skills. International Journal of Engineering Education, 30(6B), pp. 1556-1561. ISSN (online) 0949-149X
Groves, Winnifred (2014) Professional practice skills for nurses. Nursing Standard, 29(1), pp. 51-59. ISSN (print) 0029-6570
Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2014) Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education: what is 'enhanced' and how do we know? A critical literature review. Learning, Media and Technology, 39(1), pp. 6-36. ISSN (print) 1743-9884
Morgan, Michelle (2014) Patterns, drivers and challenges pertaining to postgraduate taught study: an international comparative analysis. Higher Education Research & Development, 33(6), pp. 1150-1165. ISSN (print) 0729-4360
Morgan, Michelle (2014) Study expectations of 1st/2nd generation STEM postgraduate taught students. Quality Assurance in Education, 22(2), pp. 169-184. ISSN (print) 0968-4883
Morgan, Michelle (2014) The future of postgraduate taught STEM study in the UK. Graduate Market Trends, Spring, pp. 8-11.
Price, Linda and Kirkwood, Adrian (2014) Informed design of educational technology for teaching and learning? Towards an evidence-informed model of good practice. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 23(3), pp. 325-347. ISSN (print) 1475-939X
Price, Linda and Kirkwood, Adrian (2014) Using technology for teaching and learning in higher education: a critical review of the role of evidence in informing practice. Higher Education Research and Development, 33(3), pp. 549-564. ISSN (print) 0729-4360
Seedhouse, Paul, Preston, Anne, Olivier, Patrick, Dan, Jackson, Philip, Heslop, Madeline, Balaam, Rafiev, Ashur and Kipling, Matthew (2014) The European Digital Kitchen Project. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 7(1), pp. 1-16. ISSN (online) 2013-6196
Woodfield, Steve (2014) Private Higher Education in the United Kingdom: myths and realities. International Higher Education, 76, pp. 11-12. ISSN (print) 1084-0613
Di Napoli, Roberto and Clement, Mieke, eds. (2014) The agency game in academic development: compliance and resistance. Taylor & Francis. 72p. (International Journal for Academic Development, 19(1)) ISSN (print) 1360-144X
Noutel, Alcínia , Brutten, Elena , Pires, Glaucia , Huet, Isabel and Ibiapina, Ivana, eds. (2014) Ensino Superior: saberes, experiências, desafios: volume II [Higher Education: knowledge, experiences, challenges: volume II]. Teresina, Brazil : Editora Gráfica da UFPI. 322p. ISBN 9788574637921
Book Section
Alves, Antonio, Pereira, Anabela Maria de Sousa, Castanheira, Hélder, Direito, Inês and Duarte, A. Manuel de Oliveira (2014) Stimulating learning via tutoring and collaborative simulator games. In: Sampson, Demetrios G. , Ifenthaler, Dirk , Spector, J. Michael and Isaias, Pedro, (eds.) Digital systems for open access to formal and informal learning. Cham, Switzerland : Springer International. pp. 213-233. ISBN 9783319022642
Casanova, Diogo, Costa, Nilza and Moreira, Antonio (2014) Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in Higher Education: a proposal for developing a quality framework. In: Marek, Tadeusz , Karwowski, Waldemar , Frankowicz, Marek , Kantola, Jussi and Zgaga, Pavel, (eds.) Human Factors of a Global Society: A System of Systems Perspective. Boca Raton, Florida, U.S. : CRC Press. pp. 707-718. (Ergonomics Design & Management. Theory & Applications) ISBN 9781466572867
Daunert, Anna Liza and Price, Linda (2014) E-portfolio: a practical tool for self-directed, reflective, and collaborative professional learning. In: Harteis, Christian , Ruasch, Andreas and Seifried, Jurgen, (eds.) Discourses on professional learning: On the boundary between learning and working. Dordrecht, Netherlands : Springer Netherlands. pp. 231-251. (Professional and Practice-based Learning, (9)) ISSN (print) 2210-5549 ISBN 9789400770119
Price, Linda (2014) Modelling factors for predicting student learning outcomes in higher education. In: Gijbels, David , Donche, Vincent , Richardson, John T. E. and Vermunt, Jan D., (eds.) Learning patterns in Higher Education: Dimensions and research perspectives. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 56-77. (New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction) ISBN 9780415842518
Conference or Workshop Item
Casanova, Diogo (2014) Redesigning learning spaces through students and academics contributions: the role of participatory design. In: SRHE Conference 2014: SRHE Annual Research Conference: Inspiring Future Generations; Embracing Plurality and Difference in Higher Education; 10-12 Dec 2014, Newport, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Casanova, Diogo, Costa, Nilza and Moreira, Antonio (2014) A four levels framework to understand quality practices in active e-Learning. In: ECER 2014: the Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe; 02-05 Sep 2014, Porto, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel (2014) Research-informed teaching: discussion paper. In: Kingston University Senate; 29 Oct 2014, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel (2014) What is the purpose of doctoral programmes in Europe? Opportunities and challenges. In: La Place du Doctorat dans les Parcours Professionnels [The Role of the Doctorate in Professional Careers]; 15 Dec 2014, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Kirkwood, A. and Price, L. (2014) Improving quality and validity in research and evaluation studies of learning technologies. In: EDULEARN14: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies; 07-09 Jul 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Lewis, Phillip and Morgan, Michelle (2014) Widening the participation in postgraduate education: Delivering a targeted and sustainable support for postgraduate STEM students. In: The Future of Postgraduate Education 2014; 12 Jun 2014, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Lin, Mei, Preston, Anne, Kharrufa, Ahmed and Kong, Zhouran (2014) Collaborative enquiry through the tabletop for second/foreign language learners. In: EUROCALL 2014 : CALL Design : Principles and Practice; 20-23 Aug 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Ljubojevic, Dejan and Casanova, Diogo (2014) The challenges and opportunity of redrafting and re-crafting existing blended courses for solely online delivery. In: 19th Annual SEDA Conference: Opportunities and Challenges for Academic Development in a Post-Digital Age; 13-14 Nov 2014, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Morgan, Michelle (2014) Effectively supporting student transitions – a new approach in enhancing the student experience. In: European First Year Experience Network (EFYE) 2014 Conference; 09-11 Jun 2014, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Morgan, Michelle and Ordys, Andrew (2014) Engineering postgraduate courses: Exploring expectations and attitudes towards postgraduate study. In: Engineering Professors’ Council Congress 2014; 08 Apr 2014, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Morgan, Michelle (2014) Postgraduate Experience Project (PEP). In: Excellence in Postgraduate Education: Manufacturing, Materials and Design; 08 May 2014, Cranfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Peat, Jo and Burden, Penny (2014) Recognising the quality of teaching in Higher Education: a double-edged sword. In: ICED 2014: Educational Development in a Changing World; 15-18 Jun 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Peat, Jo and Burden, Penny (2014) The push for professional recognition – a double-edged sword? In: SEDA Spring Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference 2014: Engaging Students; Engaging Staff; 15-16 May 2014, Newcastle, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Webber, Karen, Woodfield, Steve [Contributor] and Yorke, Mantz [Contributor] (2014) Institutional research, planning, and quality assurance in the world around us. In: 7th Annual UK and Ireland Higher Education Institutional Research Conference: HEIR2014: From Research to Action; 08-09 Sep 2014, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Woodfield, Steve (2014) Economic and non-economic effects of internationalization to the UK. In: Regionalkompetenz: Großbritannien [Regional Competence: Great Britain]; 05-06 Feb 2014, Bonn, Germany. (Unpublished)
Woodfield, Steve (2014) International HE research: achieving impact through collaboration & policy engagement. In: KERN FORUM 2014: Innovation, Impact & Flexible Learning; 12 Jun 2014, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Woodfield, Steve and Middlehurst, Robin (2014) Introduction. In: Acculturation and Internationalisation Symposium; 18 Sep 2014, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
van der Sluis, Hendrik (2014) Tag to track? Analytics to measure the impact of educational policies. In: HEIR2014: From Research to Action; 08-09 Sep 2014, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Mellors-Bourne, Robin, Fielden, John, Kemp, Neil, Middlehurst, Robin and Woodfield, Steve (2014) The value of transnational education to the UK. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. 153 p. (BIS Research Paper, no. 184)
Fonseca, Tania Marisa Dias Almeida (2014) e-Literacy, schools and municipalities towards a common goal : e-citizenship. (PhD thesis), University of Lisbon, University of Aveiro, New University of Lisbon, .